Feb 14, 2024 - Day 721

721 days of active phase of 9-year war. We have a lot of challenges ahead of us. We will handle them them. And we will win. I know it. All here?

Time of the good news!



🇪🇪Estonia can close the border with Russia.

In recent weeks, Russia intentionally directed groups of foreigners to the Estonian border who do not have a legal right to enter the European Union, according to the Department of Police and Border Guard of Estonia.

If these actions continue, we will be forced to close checkpoints in order to protect national security and public order, as has already been done in Finland due to migration pressure," the message says.



Drones GUU sank the Russian large amphibious ship Caesar Kunikov in the Black Sea on the morning of February 14th.

Sources of UP reported that it was an operation of the GUR, as a result of the attack, VDK Caesar Kunikov sank.



🕯 Every morning at 9:00, we starting a minute of silence to honor the memory of those who lost their lives in Russia's brutal war against Ukraine.

I was waiting for official confirmation that the Russian Navy ship had sunk. Until now, there was none. But after now the mass messages from Russian war correspondents appeared, stating that the crew is alive, I have no doubts that both the Russian ship sank and the crew perished. The celebration of Valentine's Day started off well. More to follow.



🇺🇸President of the United States Biden said that Trump is trying to encourage Putin to attack NATO member countries.

Biden noted that the rejection of the bill on funding assistance to foreign states, including Ukraine, in recent days has led to increased tension. He believes that this is related to the fact that Trump is sending "shocking and inappropriate to the American spirit" signals, including urging Putin to attack NATO allies.

Biden also stated, "no other president in American history has ever capitulated" to the Russian leader and emphasized his commitment to defend every inch of NATO territory in case of an attack.

Another large landing ship of the Russian fleet has become a submarine. But there are nuances. Yes, the Black Sea Fleet reduction is going according to plan.

Ruzkies, what's up?



🕯 Today we honor the memory of defender Dmitro Aleksandrov. He died on October 12th last year in Donetsk region. He was 25 years old.

Dmytro was born in Dnipropetrovsk region. Since 2019, he was under contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). He was engaged in sports and was passionate about motorcycles. He loved spending time with friends. During the full-scale war, Dmytro fought in the ranks of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after Yakov Hanzjuk. Friends remember him as a sincere person. He was very responsible and fair! Dmytro's death became a real blow to his loved ones and comrades. We will not forget those who gave their lives for our country.

Always in formation!



The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed the information about the destruction of the large landing ship Caesar Kunikov in the Black Sea on the morning of February 14.

This is Russkies. Already dead. This Russkies chose the fate of an occupier. And the occupiers in Ukraine are being systematically and methodically destroyed by the Armed Forces. That's why all this dead biomass, today, will not celebrate February 14th with their wives, lovers, mistresses, and paramours. It was their choice. Ukrainians have no choice - to fight or not to fight. The occupiers came to us, and we are defending our land, our homes, our cities, our country. And Russkies? Russkies have a choice - to become an occupier and die or in any way not to go to war for Putin's ambitions and stay alive. The choice still exists. Russkies, think about it. Or prepare to die in Ukraine, like these.



At a distance and close by.

On the front and at home.

Love forever ❤️




"Magura" destroyed "Caesar" - scouts sank a large landing ship of the Russian Federation Navy.

The GUR published a video of the destruction of a Russian ship.

He was attacked by the strike sea drones "Magura V5" near the shores of the temporarily occupied Crimea, near the city of Alupka.

Great assault ship "Caesar Kunikov" of project 775 is one of the newest Russian vessels. It could accommodate 87 crew members on board. It was used during wars against Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine.

Video of how the Russian WDK was hit by Ukrainian sea drones Magura V5 near the shores of temporarily occupied Alupka. The ship received critical punctures on the left side and began to sink.

Цезар Куніков проекту 775 - одне з найновіших російських судів. Міг вміщувати 87 членів екіпажу на борту. Використовувався терористичною москвою під час воєн проти Грузії, Сирії та України.Ceasar Kunikov Project 775 is one of the newest Russian courts. It could accommodate 87 crew members on board. It was used by terrorist Moscow during wars against Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine.

This is just some holiday!



The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published approximate losses of Russian occupiers in the past day.

"Not every Caesar manages to die twice in one day" - commented the command of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the strike against the Russian ship "Caesar Kunikov", according to Radio Free Europe.



Russia at night shelled Selidove Donetsk region.

As a result of shelling, a mother and child and a pregnant woman were killed, and there is a baby among the injured.

I rarely post such photos, but I will allow it today because gender, AI, and marketing all intersect. "The company Foxy AI has developed an AI model that earns $360,000 from communicating with men. People don't even realize they're talking to artificial intelligence!"

The secret of Lexi Love's success is simple - she is objectively beautiful, always free, knows 30 languages, and sends nudes upon request. She already earns $30,000 per month, more than the average salary in the USA for six months.

We live in an amazing time, when technologies are capable of such things. And this is just the beginning! I'm sure that in the future AI models will be used in various areas, but we have come to a very dangerous line at the same time - soon our virtual reality will be flooded with such artificial images, deep fakes, and other things, and virtuality and reality will mix finally and irrevocably, and I don't know if it's good or bad? What do you think?

Elena Goroshko



On Valentine's Day, February 14, the National Bank of Ukraine put into circulation a commemorative coin "Love".

Memorable coin "Love" is made of nickel silver and has a denomination of 5 hryvnias.

The circulation of the commemorative coin will be up to 50 thousand pieces.

Recently in Ukraine problems with democratic values, journalists are being monitored, businessmen are being persecuted, and the opposition is being silenced. Is Ukraine turning into a young Belarus or Russia? Where are Zelensky and his team leading our country? How to fight authoritarianism and what consequences can await us? Analyzed the situation in my author's blog. Write your thoughts in the comments.




🇸🇪Sweden expects that Hungary will soon approve the Swedish application for NATO membership, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström.

We welcome the fact that Turkey has completed the ratification process and we expect Hungary to follow soon," he announced.

Hungary is the only NATO member that has not yet approved Sweden's application to join the alliance.



In the mountains in Romania, near the Ukrainian border found body of a Ukrainian citizen.

Border guards urge to refrain from hiking in the mountains due to difficult weather conditions, such as the threat of snow avalanches, thick fog, and strong gusts of wind.


Very interestingThe interview was released on BBC.. This is an interview with Andriy Naumovych, former deputy of Lieutenant Bakanov. And it's worth reading. Naumovych was called the "gray cardinal" of the Security Service of Ukraine, Bakanov's "purse", a patron of smuggling, an extortionist, the owner of the special services' "back-office", and much more. And the journalists from the Schemes publication published an investigation in which they talked about the elite property of the special agent's family, which is inconsistent with official income. When the BBC journalists were going for an interview in Serbia, they fully understood that this person would defend himself in all points. But they were also aware that his version of events has every right to life. Especially considering the fact that Ukrainian investigators never contacted him, and he never gave interviews or comments to journalists. And he provided a lot of information that made the Office of the President break into a cold sweat today. For example, this:

BBC: Are you familiar with Yermak? What were your relationships like?

A.N.: So, I was acquainted with Yermak long before my work in the SBU. And I want to emphasize separately that this acquaintance in no way helped me, but on the contrary, it harmed me.

He was focused on reordering the Office of the President by removing the then director Bakanov. There were various actions taken, including discrediting me, and games were brewing inside the office.

BBC: Oleg Tatarov is considered a curator of the power and law enforcement structures from the Office of the President. Did he try to influence you, the SBU, when you worked there?

A.N.: His influence was too active and he constantly expanded the circle of those leaders who were previously not under his control. Promises of medals, positions, and various motivations were used. And when leaders became favorable to him - he gave them his tasks directly, bypassing subordination. Yes, his influence grew.

BBC: Did you receive any specific calls from him? For example, open this case, close this one, don't touch this person?

A.N .: I have received recommendations from him on how I should behave in certain matters. And I always pointed out that I have only one leader - if he assigns me these tasks, I will fulfill them. On my part, I could clarify whether there is such a task from above. As a rule, I received a response that there is no such task, do not interfere there.

All the rest is.link.



🔎 NABU detected a scheme of inflated food procurements in the Ministry of Defense.

In the office, a procurement system was uncovered, which allows suppliers to engage in abuses when forming prices for essential food products: eggs are sold at triple the price, while salmon or blackberries, which are not included in the military ration, are sold at prices several times lower than market ones.

In order to confirm the facts of abuse, detectives retrieve and process a huge array of primary documents from the military unit's warehouse accounting and service recipients.🔍📃



❗️In Kyiv and a number of regions, an air alarm has been declared.

Best "valentines" of today. (c) Viktor Shlinchak

Made by Platforma. Інші в коментарях.English translation:Made by Platforma. Others in the comments.



🏦 In January, Ukrainians withdrew rom deposit accounts 27 billion hryvnias.

This became a record amount of savings withdrawal after the introduction of martial law in Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Entrepreneurs also withdrew 22 billion hryvnias from deposit accounts in January.

Politico: Western assistance to Ukraine surpasses the Marshall Plan target.

✅ Support for Ukraine from the West exceeds the scale of the US plan for the reconstruction of Europe after World War II, according to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Odile Renaud-Basso called the assistance to Ukraine "enormous," despite recent criticism from Kiev's allies for doing too little. The (Financial aid from the EU) in real terms is much larger than the Marshall Plan after World War II in terms of percentage of GDP, - said Renaud-Basso.

✅ The head of the EBRD stated that the expected 18 billion euros from the European Union in 2024 would constitute almost a tenth of Ukraine's projected GDP of 186 billion euros. Renaud-Basso dismissed criticism from some supporters of Ukraine that the EU aid package is insufficient compared to the seven-year budget of the bloc amounting to 1.074 trillion euros. In her opinion, EU leaders must find a delicate balance between supporting Ukraine and funding their own countries.

✅ According to Reno-Basso, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has increased its capital by 4 billion euros to strengthen support for Ukraine, without reducing other expenditure items. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the EBRD has provided Kiev with 3.8 billion euros in the form of loans and has committed to increase support after its completion.



Head of Russian Foreign Ministry Lavrov declared regarding Russia's readiness for a political-diplomatic resolution to the war in Ukraine, taking into account the so-called "realities on the ground."

He informed that Russia remains open to a political-diplomatic settlement of the conflict based on consideration of its legitimate interests and modern realities.

At the same time, Lavrov expressed doubt in the readiness of Western countries to take into account Russia's interests and the real situation on the ground, which complicates the possibility of reaching agreements. Lavrov also stated that the United States and their allies continue to dream of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia.

Crazy never rests...

Porn star Sasha Grey on a banner in the Chelyabinsk region was replaced by a model from Ukraine. When they found out about it, they decided to remove the picture from the banner altogether.

A fence with an image of Sasha Grey in the image of Snegurochka appeared two weeks ago on the eve of the regional winter Spartakiad "Uralskaya Metelytsa". According to the head of Agapovka, a photograph with the American former porn actress was posted by one of the employees of the Department of Culture.

As soon as the locals found out that Snegurochka was a porn actress, a scandal broke out. They made the employee responsible for choosing Grey as Snegurochka the scapegoat - the woman quit, and the image was replaced in a hurry. But this did not make things better for Agapovka's management.

After all, instead of Sasha Grey, Ukrainian model Valeria Haydukevich turned out to be the Snow Maiden. Local "patriots" also recognized her. And it bothers some officials even more - now it smells like a foreign agency, if not worse! In order to no longer risk the authorities of Agapovka decided to completely remove the Snow Maiden, and now the banner stands bare... (c)Aleksandr Sokolovskiy



🇪🇺The European Union is not interested in extending the contract for the transit of Russian gas, announced European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson.

We have been preparing for the completion of this contract for two years when manipulations on the gas market began, and we have alternative options to ensure supply security. Currently, our main focus is to provide maximum support to Ukraine and to rapidly reject Russian gas," she explained.

Well, okay. But, as I understand it, a similar fate awaits the building at Povitroflotskyi Avenue, 27 in Kyiv?



In Germany again attack on a Ukrainian teenager, he ended up in the hospital with a head injury.

In the German police, it was reported that a Ukrainian 15-year-old boy suffered a head injury after a conflict with an unknown man in one of the fast food restaurants in the city of Mettmann.

The teenager was hospitalized, his life is not in danger. According to law enforcement officials, the incident occurred in the evening of February 10th.

According to the victim, an argument broke out between him and an unknown man in a restaurant on Jubileumplatz square. This man initially resorted to xenophobic remarks, and then struck the boy on the head with some object and disappeared from the scene of the crime.

Currently the police are looking for witnesses of the attack and trying to identify the perpetrator.



Why did the government go for another humiliation of the military, particularly in the case of the dismissal of Lieutenant General Sergey Nayev, and how is the "gray cardinal" from the Office of the President connected to this? Will the new leadership of the Ukrainian army, headed by Alexander Sirk, be able to significantly change the situation on the front?

General-Major of the reserve Sergey Krivonos talked about this and much more.in an interview with the host "Prяmogo"Даша Schaslyvaya 👈

Yes! 100%! A holiday foreign to Russia! I'm waiting for statements about idol worship before the West and rootless cosmopolitans. Oh, how it smells of the Soviet Union. Staples, such staples...



📱Government allowed opening of source code of "Dіya" application.

In the Ministry of Digital Transformation, they expect that the transformation of "Дії" into an open-source product will simplify and accelerate the process of exporting the application to other countries.

It is expected that the global IT community will be able to join in the analysis of the "Actions" code and propose changes or improvements.

The head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Fedorov, explained that top world products work on open source. For example, the Estonian application X-Road, based on it, the Ministry of Digital Transformation built the "Trembita" system, which is responsible for fast data exchange between registers. However, "Dіya," according to his words, will be the first state application in the "open-source" format.

At the same time, Fedorov assured that through open source code, no one will be able to access the registries and encryption features of "Actions". So, the data of Ukrainians will remain completely safe.

What's the situation on the front? Is the enemy advancing from all directions? What's happening with the draft law on mobilization? Is the Bank delaying? What can Sirotsky change in the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Has the political leadership of the country refused unpopular decisions? Will there be an attack on Horlivka? Why doesn't the government motivate society to fight the enemy? Watch all this in the conversation between Borislav Bereza and Ukrainian journalist and TV presenter Svitlana Orlovska.




🤔From February 15, Ukrainian carriers will also block the border for Polish carriers..

As reported by the head of the NGO "Transporters of the Western Region", in response to protests by Polish farmers, transporters will start their own campaign and block the movement of trucks through the Yagodin-Dorohusk border crossing.



🤬As a result of the Russian shelling in Mykolaivka, Donetsk region, two elderly women died, said the head of the OVU, Vadim Filashkin.

Another person got injured.

Starting from March 15th of this year, all permits for weapons issued to Russian citizens and citizens of other countries not included in the EU and NATO become invalid. These people need to surrender their weapons to the police, writes "Narvskaya Gazeta".

The corresponding requirement is specified in the new version of the Weapons Law, adopted by the Riigikogu in February 2023.

In total, the amendment to the Law will affect 1300 people in Estonia. According to the Police and Border Guard Board, 437 of them have their firearms permit expiring on March 15, Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry of the Interior, Raivo Kütt, said at a briefing.

If the person does not surrender the weapon in a timely manner, according to Article 89 of the Weapons Law, this may result in a fine of up to 300 penalty units or arrest. If the weapon is intentionally concealed, it is classified as a punishable offense under Article 418 of the Penal Code and may result in imprisonment. If weapon owners do not surrender it to the police in a timely manner, the police themselves will come for the weapon.

Waiting for screams from Rashka about the oppression of the Russians.))

Artificial intelligence drew Ukrainian cities in the images of men 💛🩵

Author: TT Shimalevich

Other cities in the comments. Not all cities are there, but a few more will be added later.



💬 Telegram contains a range of threats to Ukraine's security. It is necessary to seek solutions to this problem.

As stated by the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Yussuf, the threats posed by Telegram to society are real.

It's not about individual users or individual media represented on this platform, it's about the platform itself



Conducted a meeting with the government, military, and defense industry to provide our soldiers with new, modern weapons against enemy reconnaissance drones.

"Orlan" or ZALA over the front line - it's eyes for Russian artillery and strike UAVs.

In Ukraine, there is a solution on how to blind them. It is necessary to implement a systematic approach, from identification to effective use of EW and impression means.

Having ordered to create a comprehensive system that unified the army and industry. So that manufacturers would know the front's needs accurately, and the army would know the production capabilities throughout all regions.

Front requires a quick response to challenges and threats. We must do everything to protect the most important thing we have on the battlefield - the lives of our soldiers.

Two pieces of news that suggest that the authorities are starting a fight with Telegram. A fight they cannot win, but it will spoil their nerves.

Chief of the Main Directorate of Electronic Warfare and Cybersecurity of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Colonel Ivan Pavlenko advises Ukrainians not to use the social media platform Telegram.

I'll tell you frankly: there shouldn't be anything in the phone except for a phone book, - he said.

2. Representative of the Defense Intelligence Agency Yusov acknowledged that Telegram poses a series of threats to the security of Ukraine, and it is necessary to find solutions to this problem.

What can be said about this? Threats can be found in any program or application. For example, in the same Vodafone. And there are those who believe that the Russian can receive some information through Telegram, which does not prevent having official accounts on TV for everyone from the president to the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Budanov. But here is something else. Telegram has become an alternative to official news, where pink ponies think with rainbows. There is no corruption, bribery, shame of servants or failures of power on the One Telethon. There are no problems or losses on the front. There are servants, representatives of the President's Office, the OPZHZ, and loyal Heads of the Bankova. I believe that this is why they want to take control of Telegram or even put it outside the law in the Office of the President. By the way, it was Zelensky and his team who started communicating through Telegram and made it so popular in Ukraine. And now he scares them, so it is an alternative to their One Telethon.

Those who propose that the phone should only have a phonebook, I advise them to install a landline at home and set up a button phone. And even better, a rotary phone. And place the phonebook next to it. Paper one.



❗️The head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, spoke online at Ramstein, despite hospitalization.

In the speech, the US Defense Minister expressed Washington's commitment to supporting Ukraine in the short-term and long-term perspectives.

At the same time, in his speech, he did not mention the bill on allocating aid to Ukraine.



🇨🇦Canada will allocate about $46 million to support Ukraine's future F-16 aircraft fleet - Minister of Defense of the country Bill Blair.

These funds, in particular, will be directed towards the purchase of spare parts, armament stations, avionics, and ammunition.

It seems that Ukraine will be able to ensure Russia's compliance with at least one point of the Paris Agreement, signed following the Crimean War. According to this point, Russia did not have the right to keep its military fleet in the Black Sea. (с)Сергій Бережний: Sergey Berezny

Today, Wednesday February 14th, at 19:00, we will have a live stream with Ukrainian politician Yuriy Lutsenko.

Today we are talking about:

- Removal of Valeriy Zaluzhnyi from his position and appointment of Oleksandr Syrskyi in his place. What caused the change in the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces? Why was Zaluzhnyi initially dismissed and then rewarded? What will happen next and what is Zelensky's motivation?

What requirements will the Office of the President have for the new Chief of Staff of Syria? What will change on the front with a change of command in the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

- Maryana Bezuhla stated that Pashinsky is a close person to Zaluzhny, which was refuted by Zaluzhny's closest circle. What is the purpose of Bezuhla making such statements?

What are the closest scenarios for political life in Ukraine? Are there any conditions under which elections will have to be held? What are the scenarios for the future of Ukraine?




🗺Ukraine is love! Friends, we recommend a selection of channels authored by patriotic and conscious like-minded people who either fight or support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and work for victory, for whom "какаяразніца" doesn't matter, Ukraine is above all.

🇺🇦History of Ukraine- a channel about the true history of Ukraine and its Heroes. We talk about what every Ukrainian should know!

🇺🇦Олексій Гончаренко - Oleksiy Honcharenko- Ukrainian deputy who destroys Kremlin propaganda! Solovyov's nightmare, Skabeeva and Simonyan.

🇺🇦Фашик Донецький (English translation: Fascist Donetsk).— here propaganda multiplies by zero.

🇺🇦Ukraine will win.— for all that is important, which accelerates our victory. We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Cheering for Ukraine!

🇺🇦Євген Вольнов— famous Major Chernobaev, whom the "katsap" mothers are calling out to.

🇺🇦Radical- hacking Russian social networks, pranks. Horror, which these guys bring to "katsapnia" cannot be conveyed in words.

🇺🇦Birch juice— Boris Berezin's author's channel. About Ukrainian and world politics with irony, about the Armed Forces of Ukraine with respect, about the Russians - as they deserve.

🇺🇦Native language— Let's improve our knowledge of the Ukrainian language every day!

🇺🇦UKRCHAN - Ukrainian-chan- Ukrainization of your internets. We work 24/7 🔪

🇺🇦Дмитро Чекалкин- a channel of a person who sets fire to the butts of enemy propagandists and internal enemies.

🇺🇦KAPVEY— Tick away with your face in facts.

🇺🇦 Direct TV— a real patriotic channel about events in Ukraine.

🇺🇦Historical documents— a repository of extremely interesting historical documents for Ukrainians.

🇺🇦Андрій Смолій - Andriy Smoliy- political expert channel: Ukrainian view and the world and the struggle with "Russian world".

🇺🇦Переможний Магдіяж -> Victorious Magdiyaz- channel of a political scientist and expert on hybridity, Yevhen Mahda. About politics in Ukraine and beyond.

🇺🇦KNPU- Ukrainian-Moscow Liberation Physical and Information War will continue until the burning of Moscow.

🇺🇦Ukraine Live— Operational information, missile and other threats monitoring.

🇺🇦5 channel | 5.ua- cool 5th telegram, where only verified and most important news.

🇺🇦Dragon's Cave— Channel of Dmitry Kalinchuk Vovnyanka, blogger, ZSU warrior, and writer.

🇺🇦Olivka— media, about everything Ukrainian.

🇺🇦ПЕТРУШЕВСЬКИЙ --> PЕTRUШЕVSKY— fun host hit parade channel cringe.

🇺🇦Algorithm- news relayRedditAll the most interesting from«головної сторінки інтернету» translated into English is "homepage of the internet."

🇺🇦Movie lovers UA- entertaining channel with Ukrainian flavor!

🇺🇦NO TELETHON— Your true news feed!

🇺🇸 KURBANOVA NEWS | Territory of Russophobia- author's view on the main statements from Zapozhye and beyond.

🇺🇦CLOSED AREA- about what they will never say on the only telethon: investigation and analysis. Volodymyr Ariev's Channel.

🇺🇦Ірина Геращенко - Irina Gerashchenko- channel of the people's deputy, co-chair of the EU faction in the Verkhovna Rada.

🇺🇦Україна спортивнаTranslation: Ukraine is sportive- Ukrainian sport should truly be Ukrainian. Get rid of the rhetoric "what's the difference".

🇺🇦Портников— channel of a famous Ukrainian publicist, writer and journalist.

🇺🇦Prozapas— warrior of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, head of the EU faction in the Zaporizhia City Council.

🇺🇦Film country— The best Ukrainian films and everything about cinema that is really worth watching.

🇺🇦Омелян News --> Omelian News— honest news, thoughts and analysis.

🇺🇦With Ukraine in my heart.— Ukraine is our greatest value!

🇺🇦Порохоботченко— PoroKobotsky Chat #1.

🇺🇦Andriy "Poltava" Karpov— the first discoverer of trolling "Katsap" morally through the internet.

🇺🇦Соціальні новини. ВПОSocial news. NGO— information for settlers and not only.

🇺🇦Kyu Ai - intellectual magazine- about events, facts, scientific discoveries, and advanced technologies.

🇺🇦БРИГИНЕЦЬ (BRIGINETS)- ex-deputy openly trolls katsaps, maloroses and zombimarathon.

🇺🇦BEREZOVIEW- channel of officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Taras Berezovets. The most up-to-date information from the combat zone, international and military analysis.

🇺🇦Українці пишутьUkrainians write— The most interesting thoughts and publications from Ukrainians from all corners of the internet!

🇺🇦ДрукАрмія - 🇺🇦PrintArmy— the most effective process that each of us can help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Subscribe to always be aware of all important news and support the sincere and truly Ukrainian position! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Together to victory!🇺🇦⚔️



Goverment canceled Poroshenko's participation in the Munich Security Conference, as well as negotiations in Poland and Israel.

As the leader of the European Solidarity Party stated at the briefing, the alleged reason was a message from the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Kirill Budanov regarding the "supposed danger" to Petro Poroshenko during his stay in Europe.

During February 15-20, Poroshenko had important scheduled meetings with representatives of various European countries, as well as visiting Munich to participate in a security conference.



😡As a result of the shelling of the Great Burluk, two people were killed, - Kharkiv RSA.

At 16:16, the enemy carried out a missile strike on the town of Velykyi Burluk. Previously, S-300. Hit a 2-story residential building and another one nearby.



Kirill Budanov informed Stefančuk that after crossing the border, a deadly danger awaits me! The only way to save Poroshenko is not to let him go abroad.- opposition leader, the fifth president Petro Poroshenko on the "reason" why he is not allowed to go to Munich.

The whole world will be laughing at you! You can be ashamed yourselves, but I will not allow Ukraine to be disgraced.

You have deprived Ukraine of opportunities for possible negotiations with foreign partners, which speaks of your political craftiness.

Let's turn to that unity that Ukrainians demonstrated at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.


🇪🇺Follow the EU in Telegram!



💥The Russian large landing ship "Caesar Kunikov" was equipped with "Grad-M" systems, its own ammunition of which consists of 320 missiles.

As the spokesperson of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Dmitro Pletenchuk, announced, the information about the crew's losses is being verified.

Today, on Wednesday, February 14th, at 20:00, we will be hosting a broadcast with political commentator Vitaliy Portnikov.

- Authoritarianism of Zelensky, as a motive for his actions. Is the removal of Zaluzhny motivated by the interests of the state or Zelensky himself? What can Ukraine transform into if Zelensky continues to pursue a policy based on his own interests rather than the interests of the state?

- Why did Putin give an interview to Karlsson and what signals did he want to send to the West? Why to Karlsson himself? Is it really an FSB special operation?

- Trump today is not only a potential favorite of the Republicans in the US elections, but also the one who blocks voting on financial assistance to Ukraine? Will Trump block the allocation of money to Ukraine until the end of the US elections or is there something that can motivate him to change his strategy? What are the prospects for receiving money?

- The next sunken UDC in the Black Sea is another blow to Putin. What will Russia's reaction be? Can the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation be considered doomed? What do such destructions say?




Met with the Head of the Verkhovna Rada. Planned to discuss inter-parliamentary diplomacy, coordination of efforts to protect Ukraine.

But once again we have encountered travel bans, blocking effective protection of the country.

Poroshenko was invited to the Munich Security Conference, where he had a speech and a meeting with 6 leaders of states, a delegation of US Republican congressmen.

He was not given a business trip because allegedly there is a deadly danger awaiting him in Munich.

Ivantsi Klympush-Tsintsadze was blocked from participating in the conference in Berlin, where she was a key speaker. All business trips were at her own expense.

I contacted the State Bureau of Investigations, Prosecutor's Office, and National Anti-Corruption Bureau regarding the disruption of my participation in the observation mission of the OSCE PA in Azerbaijan, where I was accredited.

We have failures in relations with Poland, the USA, and other directions. Instead of using all resources and opportunities to strengthen the Ukrainian position, Bankova deepens crises. All this weakens Ukraine!

We will protect inter-parliamentary diplomacy and the independence of the Verkhovna Rada. Including in courts. It's embarrassing to be in power.



💬 Zelensky will be accountable to his partners, due to the latest ban on Poroshenko's travel abroad, - Rostyslav Pavlenko, on the new blocking of the EU leader's visit to Europe.

In his opinion, it reeks of Russian spirit from the explanation of the mortal danger to Poroshenko.



Thank you to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, thank you to the warriors of the Main Intelligence Directorate - Group 13 of the 9th Department! Today, there is added security in the Black Sea and additional motivation for our people. This is important. And step by step, we will cleanse the Black Sea from Russian terrorist objects.

Glory to all who fight for our state and people! Glory to all who work for Ukraine!

Glory to Ukraine!

I found out the news only yesterday evening when I returned from my position. The military learned about their fate last...

Even now, it is very difficult for me to comment on Zaluzhnyi's resignation. Because on this matter, there are simply no decent words in my lexicon.

This is no longer a knife in the back. This is the last nail in the coffin. And you know what's scariest? We will once again endure and swallow without choking. We'll steal, we'll steal, we'll post photos of Zaluzhnyi, sing praises to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and scatter...

And now I will tell you something. And you can judge as you wish...

Man is still asking me to write off. Well, you can understand him in this regard. A combat wife is his biggest pain for almost two years now. So, I always joked that I don't turn back halfway, that I will go all the way.

Yesterday, for the first time, I seriously thought about it that we will both go, that we have enough from us. For the first time, we talked about it as a plan for the nearest future.

And in the neighboring room, a father of many children lives with us. Yesterday he was talking on the phone with his wife. Yesterday he asked to send scans of children's birth certificates... There are only about 10 parents of many children in our unit. And we also have military personnel whose parents or wives have disabilities. There are also quite a few of them. And they also thought yesterday...

How many volunteers are there now in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, whose ground was knocked out from under their feet yesterday, how many are there who are thinking today? Tens of thousands of military personnel with tremendous combat experience, who can write a report, submit a couple of documents, and leave... Morally destroyed, betrayed by their own state, psychologically trampled, but still physically alive...

Understandably, we will be replaced. They will catch mommy's buns, hand them guns, and pull them into positions. The number of replacements will determine. What will we get for quality? Mommy's bun, which was caught, will never fully replace a motivated soldier who came himself...

And now about Sirotsky... I won't even touch on his Russian past or his parents, who just a few years ago posted photos with St. George ribbons. I'm not talking about the Debaltseve cauldron. I wasn't there.

I will tell about the fortress of Bahmut... About the crazy idea of Syrskyi to hold the city at any cost. Soldiers were simply sent to slaughter, we went with guns to tanks. Because the limit of artillery was 6 shots per day from one barrel.

No long-term defensive line was organized. We were dispersed in small groups either in basements or in partially destroyed high-rise buildings. And from there we were shooting back. They systematically knocked us out of our positions. They shot at us with all the heavy artillery they had. And they had slightly more than a shitload. We were simply surrendered to be slaughtered... I still can't understand how we managed to practically escape from full encirclement back then... But I remember and feel that sensation when you deliberately save your last grenade for yourself, even today...

All that is happening now is the death throes. The consequences of the appointment of Siroky we will feel in all their splendor in a couple of months. There will be a series of meat storms during which the remains of the combat-ready troops will fall... And then gradually the idea of the need for peaceful negotiations will take root in the minds of Ukrainians. Most likely, Zelensky will start screaming at this time that we did everything we could, but greedy allies did not provide us with weapons and equipment. And they are to blame for our defeat (no, no, corruption, open looting inside the country is not the point, it's completely different, you just don't understand).

Let's be frank, the war has long turned into a commercial project, and the military have become only a bargaining chip. How did we quickly fall into a pit, transforming from a free nation into a pile of sufferers who do not solve anything?

I don't know, maybe in a couple of days they will let me go. But right now my hands have dropped, they can't hold a gun. And yeah, I know I'm mortal... But I don't want to be turned into a criminal... (c)Світлана Парамедик – Svіtlana Paramedik

Well, yesterday I, of course, freaked out. For some reason, I became a bit nervous over these two years. Well, nothing, it happens, I'm a girl 🙂.

Yesterday we all sat together, had some drinks (if someone tells you that it's impossible to get alcohol during prohibition, they're lying to you). Of course, we also dreamed about a certain group of people being put against the wall. We dreamed so vividly and realistically that it made our souls lighter...

Then they sobered up, cooled down... Yes, there are a lot of questions left. Including the effectiveness of commanding the Ukrainian army by a person whose relatives live safely in enemy territory.

But... Currently, there are specific positions that need to be maintained. There are specific official duties that need to be performed. And throwing everything away now to some imaginary grandmother just isn't right.

Nobody will be copying. Neither will I, nor my husband, nor our neighbor (a father of many children). I think that other military personnel have also cooled down today, tearing to pieces the reports written in a state of excitement.

We will continue to stand. Until the end... Against everything... Because if we weaken now, we will betray those who endured at the cost of their own lives.

P.S. Honestly, I was shocked by the excitement surrounding my post yesterday. How great would it be for the military if they received such coverage for volunteer recruitment posts. Well, just in case, I am currently looking for an inconspicuous hole in the dense forest to hide in the event of a visit from the SBU 😆 (c)Світлана ПарамедикSvitlana Paramedic

🇺🇦Ukraine is love! Friends, we recommend a selection of channels authored by patriotic and conscious like-minded people who either fight or support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and work for victory, for whom Ukraine is always "above all".

🇺🇦History of Ukraine— channel about the real history of Ukraine and its Heroes. We talk about what every Ukrainian should know!

🇺🇦Олексій Гончаренко- Ukrainian deputy who destroys Kremlin propaganda! Nightmares of Solovyov, Skabeeva, and Simonyan.

🇺🇦Фашик Donetskiy— here they multiply propaganda by zero.

🇺🇦Ukraine will win— about everything important that speeds up our victory. We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! We cheer for Ukraine!

🇺🇦Євген Вольнов -> Yevhen Volnov— famous Major Chernobaev, whom the katsaps' mothers yell at.

🇺🇦Radical- hacking of Russian social networks, pranks. The horror that these guys instill in the "katsapnya" can't be put into words.

🇺🇦Birch juice— Boris Berezov's author's channel. About Ukrainian and world politics with irony, about the Armed Forces of Ukraine with respect, about Moskals - as they deserve it.

🇺🇦Рідна мова: Native language— Let's improve our knowledge of the Ukrainian language every day!

🇺🇦🇺🇦 UKRCHAN— Ukrainianization of your internets. We work 24/7 🔪

🇺🇦Дмитро Чекалкин --> Dmytro Chekal'kin— A channel of a person who sets fire to the asses of enemy propagandists and internal enemies.

🇺🇦KAPVEY → KAPVEY— Tikay vatu mordoyu u fakti.— Go back to reality with your face.

🇺🇦Телеканал Прямий - Direct TV channel— a real patriotic channel about events in Ukraine.

🇺🇦Historical documents— a treasure trove of incredibly interesting historical documents for Ukrainians.

🇺🇦Andrii Smoliy— Political expert's channel: Ukrainian perspective and the world and the struggle against "Russkiy Mir".

🇺🇦Переможний МагдіяжTriumphant Magdiazh- channel of a political scientist and expert on hybridity Yevhen Mahda. About politics in Ukraine and beyond.

🇺🇦KNPU- Ukrainian-Moscow liberation physical and informational war will continue until the burning of Moscow.

🇺🇦Ukraine Live— Operational information, monitoring of missile and other threats.

🇺🇦5 канал | 5.ua -> 5 Channel | 5.ua— cool 5th telegram, where only verified and most important news.

🇺🇦Dragon's Cave— Channel of Dmytro Kalynchuk Vovnyanka, blogger, Armed Forces of Ukraine soldier, and writer.

🇺🇦Olivka— media, about everything Ukrainian.

🇺🇦ПЕТРУШЕВСЬКИЙ - PETRUSHEVSKY— channel of a cheerful host of a hit-parade of cringes.

🇺🇦Algorithm— news relay fromReddit. All the most interesting from"головної сторінки інтернету" translates to "main page of the internet"

🇺🇦Мувчики UA— entertaining channel with Ukrainian flavor!

🇺🇦НЕТЕЛЕМАРАФОН -> NO TELETHON— your true news feed!

🇺🇦Курбанова NEWS | Territory of Russophobia- author's perspective on the main statements from Zaporyzhia and beyond.

🇺🇦CLOSED AREA- about what they will never say on a single telethon: investigation and analysis. Channel of Volodymyr Ar'yeve.

🇺🇦Ірина Геращенко → Iryna Gerashchenko— people's deputy's channel, co-head of the European Solidarity faction in the Verkhovna Rada.

🇺🇦Ukraine sporty— Ukrainian sports must truly be Ukrainian. Forget the rhetoric "what does it matter".

🇺🇦Портников → Portnikov- channel of a famous Ukrainian publicist, writer, and journalist.

🇺🇦Prozapas— warrior of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, chairman of the European Solidarity faction in the Zaporizhzhia City Council.

🇺🇦Movie country— the best films in Ukrainian and everything about cinema worth watching.

🇺🇦Омелян News — Honest news, thoughts, and analysis.

🇺🇦With Ukraine in my heart— Ukraine is our greatest value!

🇺🇦Andrii "Poltava" Karpov.— first trawler trolling Katsap moral through the Internet.

🇺🇦Social news. UIC— information for internally displaced persons and not only.

🇺🇦Kyu Ai - intellectual journal- about events, facts, scientific discoveries, and advanced technologies.

🇺🇦БРИГИНЕЦЬ - BRIGINETS- Ex-MP openly trolls katsaps, maloros, and zombimarathon.

🇺🇦BEREZOVIEW- channel of the officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Taras Berezovets. The most up-to-date information from the combat zone, international and military analysis.

🇺🇦Українці пишутьUkrainians write.— The most interesting thoughts and publications from Ukrainians from all corners of the Internet!

🇺🇦ДрукАрмія → PrintArmy— the most effective process, which each of us can help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

🇺🇦Subscribe to stay up to date with all the important news and support the sincere true Ukrainian position! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Together to victory!



In the Verkhovna Rada, representatives of European Solidarity were accused of manipulation regarding their faction's non-participation in the Munich conference.

In the statement of the press service of the VR, it is said that a parliamentary delegation was created to participate in the security conference, consisting of representatives of the authorities and the opposition, where the EU is represented by Oleksiy Honcharenko.

At the same time, they said that they have no idea about other planned meetings of the leader of the European Solidarity with partners abroad.

About, indeed, manipulative justifications for the reasons for refusing Peter Poroshenko to leave Ukraine - of course, nothing is said.



Iryna Gerashchenko: Especially for TV Channel Rada and the lying press service of the Verkhovna Rada. Once all these people worked in conditions of freedom of speech and parliamentary pluralism. As the first vice-speaker, I have never in my life humiliated you with censorship and blacklists, about whom and how to write.

Now you have returned to the days of Yanukovych's bathtubs.

What makes you manipulate and follow instructions, lying in your messages, as if Poroshenko didn't give any invitations?



Gathered for you the main thing you might have missed on February 14th:

🔹For outcomes of the 'Ramstein' meeting - officially started work the Coalition of Integrated Air and Missile Defense.

🔹A large Russian landing ship was hit near Crimea.“Цезарь Куников” translates to "Caesar Kunikov", he sank.

🔹Canada announced the provision 44 million dollars in military aid for Ukraine.

🔹Germany plans to increase by 3-4 times increase ammunition supplies for Ukraine.

🔹House of Representatives USA voted for impeachment of Minister of Internal Affairs.

🔹Petro Poroshenko got banned travel to participate in the Munich Security Conference



💬The landing ship Caesar Kunikov was destroyed by 5 MAGURA V5 drones, -- head of the GUR Budanov.

He also added that the Russian ship was transporting cargo from Novorossiysk to Sevastopol.



😂Red roses, blue violets, the border agreement ruined, because of you.

Official White House trolled Speaker Johnson with a winky-face emoji on social media H.

Brilliant text!

How Peter I destroyed a house in London.

I have been reading "Treasure Island" by Stevenson to the children for the third evening, and they ask many interesting questions. As you remember, the story starts with the old pirate Billy Bones stopping at the "Admiral Benbow" inn on the coast of Cornwall.

And so I went to read about who this admiral is, whose name the race is named after. He turned out to be an officer of the royal navy. But what interested me the most in his biography was the scandal with the Russians.

John Benbow rented a beautiful estate of Sayes Court with exquisite interior and well-kept garden from a writer and one of the founders of the London Royal Society, John Evelyn, for three years. This luxurious place was located near the royal docks, where the best English ships were built and commanded by Benbow.

The garden in the Seis Court estate was one of the most beautiful in all of England. Established in 1653, the owner of the house, John Evelyn, spent over thirty years implementing all the innovative ideas he had gathered during his travels across Europe. Obsessed with gardening, he himself trimmed the bushes and brought beauty by growing exotic plants that he also imported from abroad. In the 17th century, he was concerned about climate change and purifying London's air, and his garden was a magical field of experiments for him. The house was called a delight for the eyes of people with taste. In short, blah-blah, as my father says.

When in 1698 the Russian embassy headed by Peter I arrived in London, they were initially settled in the center near the Strand. But the Muscovites complained that it was very crowded and lacked privacy, so by order of King William III, John Benbow let them into the Sayes Court house. And later he wrote a complaint to the royal treasury demanding compensation for everything.

For some two and a half months, the Muscovites completely destroyed this miracle. Valuable carpets were completely soiled, smeared with grease and ink. The furniture was destroyed. All fifty fancy chairs disappeared, suspected that the Muscovites simply burned them. Similarly, the paintings were destroyed, which were used as targets for shooting practice. Locks and three hundred window panes were broken, curtains and bedspreads torn to shreds. Even the floor had to be replaced with a new one!

To the owner's despair, the barbarians spared not even the garden. The Muscovites amused themselves by drunkenly rolling each other in garden carts, pushing them through bushes and hedges, crushing and uprooting plants (they also broke the carts, by the way). Moreover, they made a hole in the garden wall to quickly reach the royal docks.

With the inspection came Christopher Ren himself, a famous architect who built churches, hospitals, palaces, among other things, and the Cathedral of Saint Paul. He confirmed that everything was destroyed ("not a corner of the house survived") and the king had to compensate the owner with over 350 pounds, an incredible amount at the time!

- oh God, what did they do in that house to destroy it so much in two months?

Yura, husband of Svitlana notes:

- just were themselves

What happens when you let Muscovites into your home.

PS about this visit to London you can learn a lot of interesting things, because the Muscovites walked around the whole city and destroyed everything, even in restaurants. They damaged a yacht in Greenwich, and then also smashed other ships with it.

"Great culture" in all its beauty. (c)Gorgona Bobrovitska

Good night 🌙 to all good people