Mar 10, 2024 - Day 746

746 days of active phase of a 10-year war. We are having a hard time now. If we give up, it will not get easier. Let's stay together. Is everyone here?



😡The Russians targeted a facility in Novomoskovsky district.— Dnipro Petrovsk Regional Administration.

A 58-year-old man suffered. He was provided with the necessary medical assistance.

After landing, a fire broke out. Firefighters have already brought the fire under control.

In Nikopol, Russian troops fired heavy artillery three times. They also used drone-kamikaze. It was loud in the district center and in the Manganets community.

There were no fatalities or injuries.

Damaged infrastructure object. There was a fire, the flames were quickly extinguished.



❌This night 35 out of 39 enemy drones have been destroyed, which the occupier released over Ukraine.

This was reported by the commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleschuk.



🕯In the morning at 9:00 minute of silence we honor the memory of those killed in Russia's brutal war against Ukraine.

In Israel, a video was released on the Vainet portal. And in it, they simply talked about the goals and tasks of the special services and propagandists of Russia. And about how their main goal is to cause as much harm as possible and destabilize Israel, turning its residents against each other. After that, the local government flared up. And what did he say wrong?



125,834 Russian crimes have been registered during the time of the large-scale invasion, - Office of the Prosecutor General.

In particular, 122244 violations of laws and customs of war have been registered.

In the high-profile case of Russian aggression, there are currently 685 suspects: politicians, military commanders, Russian propagandists.

Summing up#тижденьвцифрах



🔥Tonight a powerful fire occurred on the gas pipeline near the settlement of Likhma in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in Russia.



General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published approximate total losses of Russian occupiers.

Trash collector. It is always nice to see the number of occupiers decrease. This disposal was carried out thanks to the work of the strike drones company of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade. Glory to the Ukrainian soldiers!



🚧Polish farmers temporarily unblocked the Krakowiec checkpoint- Dictionary of the SBU Demchenko.However, the strike is promised to resume on March 13.

The blocking of the other five checkpoints continues - about 1700 trucks are standing in lines.



Russian drones attacked two substations of Ukrenergo yesterday. .

There are no casualties, consumers have not been de-energized. Emergency restoration work is ongoing.



😔On March 9, Russians killed 1 resident of Donbas - in Chasove Yar.

10 people in the region were injured during the day.

The total number of Russian casualties in Donbas is not including Mariupol and Volnovakha.



From the ports of the Black Sea, Ukraine has sent 1005 ships through a humanitarian corridor, - US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink.

More than 1000 vessels have left Ukrainian Black Sea ports, delivering almost 30 million tons of cargo to world markets, including grain," Bridget wrote.

According to her, despite the war with Russia, Ukraine continues to support jobs and businesses, develop its economy, and supply essential goods to the world.



Intense fighting and enemy shooting in GoPro frames from fighter Makar.

During heavy shelling, fighters evacuate their wounded, cover the capture of the occupiers, and retake positions for defense.

So, in the mode of continuous shooting and explosions, the sector was held in one of the districts of Avdiivka.

Tense work of the 3rd platoon of the 2nd assault battalion of the Third Assault Brigade.

Was at the synagogue today for prayer. Asked the rabbi a question. Got an answer.



👩‍👦‍👦65% of Ukrainian refugees plan to return home from abroad, - UN.

Earlier, 77% were willing. In 2024, 11% of refugees do not intend to return home.

In general, people are not in a hurry to return due to safety concerns. Among other reasons are the lack of economic prospects and housing.

55% of refugees who returned to Ukraine reported fewer employment opportunities than expected.

59% of respondents plan to come to Ukraine if they do not find a decent job abroad during the war.

Let's sum up#тижденьвцифрах



😈A satellite image of the aftermath of the impact of four drones on the territory of an aircraft repair plant in Taganrog, where the A-50 AWACS aircraft was located, was shown on the network.

The photo shows at least 4 hits.



🚫 The Ministry of Defense of Estonia will refuse Mars and Nestlé chocolates because they did not leave the Russian market.

The head of the department, Hanna Pevkur, ordered to remove products from the trading points located on the territory of the department. This measure will also affect other major trading brands, such as PepsiCo.

Earlier, Ukraine added these companies to the list of international sponsors of war.



🗞️ The Russian offensive at Avdiivka was repelled, —The New York Times

When Avdiivka fell three weeks ago, Kyiv and its allies feared that Moscow's forces could escalate their pace and quickly advance towards strategic military junctions and populated areas.

But after a quick success in the following days, Russian attacks on three surrounding villages stopped. Military experts cite several factors, including the terrain, which did not favor offensive operations, Russian troops exhausted from months of fighting, and the Ukrainian army, which deployed significant forces to defend this area.

Russia, it seems,keeps his initiative on the battlefield, and military analysts say that her forces may still break through Ukrainian positions in the near future, especially given that Kyiv's defense efforts are increasingly hampered by the lack of further military assistance from the United States.

However, at this time, according to their words, the fighting seemsreturned to the realm of futile battles, which characterized most of the fighting on the front line last year.

The capture of Avdiivka did not lead to the destruction of Ukrainian positions, the opportunity for the Russians to come out into open territory or even achieve serious success, — said Thibault Fuyet, deputy director of the Institute of Strategic and Defense Studies.



🪖Spartan brigade fighters eliminate Russian occupiers.

After another failed assault, the occupant flees, hides, and forces reconnaissance pilots to hunt down the enemy with further destruction.



🤝 For the year 2023, local communities voluntarily transferred over 16 billion hryvnias for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Summing up#тижденьвцифрах

Candidate for judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, who lives in an apartment for... 8 hryvnias. 100%, this is a candidate we can trust. But not for sure.



The Russian corporation "Rostec" plans to use industrial facilities in temporarily occupied territories, - Center for National Resistance.

"Russian corporation "Rostekh", which deals with stealing old technologies, plans to use industrial facilities in temporarily occupied territories. This concerns the production of resin based on the capacities of the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Donetsk. In this way, the institute may become part of the Russian military-industrial complex."- mentioned in the message.

Therefore, everything that the Russian Federation touches becomes a military base, because it brings only war and death to the world.



Sweden's membership in NATO means that the obstacle to sending Gripen fighters to Ukraine has finally been removed.

About this reminded in a comment to the leading Swedish edition Dagens Nyheter.

Now Sweden has even more opportunities to stand shoulder to shoulder with us. Therefore, I call to shorten the delivery time of fighter jets to Ukraine.

I know that Gripen is simpler than F-16 and pilots can learn faster on it. But we needed fighters yesterday, because our situation in airspace is extremely difficult. It would be great to get Gripen from Sweden, Mirage from France and F-16 from other countries as soon as possible.

Ukraine urgently needs fighters right now.


The population of Russia is not even slaves, biowaste. Because slaves at least rebelled, and these are used to being dumb, powerless, disposable material.



🤔 Countries NATO have already sent troops to Ukraine.— Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Radosław Sikorski.

Unlike other politicians, I will not enumerate these countries, - said the diplomat.

Sikorsky supported the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron to send a NATO contingent to Ukraine. In his opinion, this is an ingenious move that will disrupt Russia's planned scenario.

The head of the Polish MFA also added that by attacking Ukraine, Russia has shown that it is incapable of accepting Western values. In his opinion, NATO should return to its original role and implement a creatively defined and asymmetrical escalation.



🇫🇷From February 24, 2022 to December 31, 2023, France provided Ukraine with military equipment and materials adapted to the conditions in which the Armed Forces of Ukraine operate, in the amount of €2.615 billion.

Over two years, Ukraine received from France:

🔹250 armored vehicles VAB in various modifications;

🔹38 armored vehicles AMX-10, also known as wheeled tanks;

🔹over a million bullets for firearms

🔹160 drones;

🔹10 systems for detecting drones;

🔹2 Crotale NG SAM

🔹6 Mistral SAMs;



🔹6 self-propelled howitzers TRF1;

🔹30 self-propelled howitzers Caesar;

🔹10 heavy 120mm mortar shells

In addition, with the support of Paris, training for about 10,000 Ukrainian defenders took place in France and Poland.

Let's summarize#тижденьвцифрах

Poetry of Shevchenko performed by the fighter of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade, Horinych.



The Ukrainian defense forces have started to rapidly build defensive positions on several sections of the front line.- British intelligence.

Ukrainian defense positions include dragon's teeth anti-tank obstacles and trenches, infantry trenches, minefields, and strong points, the department said.

In the reconnaissance, it was emphasized that expanding defensive lines will reduce the ability of Russian occupation forces to advance or use tactical advantages within the current offensive operations.

Creation of basic defensive positions testifies to the exhausting nature of the conflict and means that any attempt to conduct an operation to break through with a high probability will be accompanied by heavy losses.- This is mentioned in the review.



🙅‍♂️ - Man Gesturing NoLawbreakers tried to illegally enter Slovakia through the mountains.- DPSU.

Two citizens of Ukraine were discovered while trying to overcome the barrier fence. They admitted that another person was walking with them, but he fell behind. The man was found a kilometer away from his predecessors.

Later it was possible to establish and identify the smuggler. During the searches, a vehicle, a mobile phone, and draft records were seized from him. He was informed of suspicion of committing a criminal offense, protocols were drawn up for the detained violators.

President of France Emmanuel Macron has said that France and the Czech Republic realize that war has returned to Europe. He called on Western politicians "not to be cowards" and to increase assistance to Ukraine. In turn, President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel did not rule out the possibility of Western troops presence in Ukraine. What do these statements indicate? What signal did Putin receive? Which side in the Russia-Ukraine war are China and Turkey on? Political analyst Vitaliy Portnikov discussed this on Borislav Bereza's YouTube channel.



🕯 On the frontperishedtwo soldiers of the Georgian Legion.

During the performance of combat missions at the forefront, fighters of the Georgian Legion - Nodar Nasirov and Georgiy Gogiashvili were killed. The Georgian Legion expresses condolences to the families of the deceased. Glory to the heroes! " - said in a statement by the Georgian Legion.



From February 24, 2022 to March 1, 2024, almost 1000 air alarms sounded in Kyiv. The potential danger for the capital lasted 1161 hours 38 minutes.




🇺🇸In the American Institute for the Study of Warinformed, that Russia, due to heavy losses in the war against Ukraine, exported from 25% to 40% of its tank strategic reserves from open-air storage.



🇵🇱 Protesters in Poland for four daysunlocked"Checkpoint Krakovets-Korchova"

However, five checkpoints remain closed.

Is there homophobia in the army? Why did the UOC award and then withdraw the award? What is the situation with the defensive structures on the front line? Why do soldiers refuse to seek help from psychotherapists? Why does the state not fulfill its obligations to veterans? How to distinguish true veterans from those who want to pass themselves off as them? Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, activist of the NGO Tochka opory Viktor Pylypenko answered these questions in an interview with Boryslav Bereza.


00:00 Interview with Viktor Pylypenko

0:51 On the beginning of the war

2:21 Story about the award from the UOC

10:06 Homophobia in the army

14:39 Experience as an infantryman and paramedic

22:52 Lack of defensive structures on the front

27:47 Military refuse psychotherapists

43:22 Support for the military from the state

47:04 Idealization of veterans



Over two years of war, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed/disabled 28 ships of the Russian Federation Navy.

Let's summarize#тижденьвцифрах



Don't give up.

📹 @Yoda4ever/X



During the day, 53 battles took place.reportsGeneral Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

During the day, the Defense Aviation struck in 10 areas of concentration of enemy personnel, weapons, and military equipment.

The missile troops units hit 2 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons, and military equipment, 1 radio-electronic warfare station, and 2 enemy air defense means.

There is nothing to add.



Russian Federation army with heavy artillery and kamikaze dronesattackedNikopol region, there are significant ruins.

The President of the Miners' Association and the Building Union of the ANCYL, Joseph Matunjwa, made an interesting statement about the living standards of black people under white rule and after it, under the rule of leftists Mandela, at the congress of this association in 2022.


You can love them, you can hate them - Afrikaners [white population of South Africa]. But they gave us a functioning country! White Afrikaners gave us a functioning country! The White National Party was cruel when in power, but they gave us a functioning country! ...Despite the fact that during apartheid there were signs 'Whites Only' and 'Blacks Only', when you entered a door with a 'Blacks Only' sign, you got the same things, the same medicines as you wanted. Today, there are no more of such signs - but also no more services! ...And then the ANC, the corrupt ANC, took over. After Mandela's victory, left-wing radical reforms increased unemployment, violence, and crime in South Africa to the point that even during apartheid, black-skinned people lived better.


Here's how it goes...

A little bit about funny and about idiots. Under the post about the rating of political influencers, there are many comments from idiots who think this is a rating of presidential candidates. And they are not bots. Idiots. Ordinary ones. They don't understand the difference between a member of parliament and a member of the local council, an influencer and a president, between... Idiots, they are like that. And they think that everyone in power is there to reach the honey pot. Why do they think so? Because they themselves would go into power for that, and they judge everyone by themselves. Idiots.

And I will not deny myself the pleasure of calling morons morons. Because it is a joy to tell the truth. Even to morons. )))



Voted for Leslie if you could?



🇺🇸Leslie is going to run for US President in 2024.

And win.

She is used to keeping her promises.

Marines of the 137th Marine Battalion used fpv drones to conduct a group disposal of the weeds.

Reading about Canada approving the transfer of about 80 thousand decommissioned aviation rockets to Ukraine. Then I called my military friend who is knowledgeable about this. I found out that these decommissioned rockets in Canada will allow for effectively removing insurgents from the ranks of the living. Disposal will continue.



We have gathered the most important things you might have missed for March 10th.

The German opposition spoke out against the "circular exchange" for British Storm Shadow.

🔹The Russian army from heavy artillery and kamikaze dronesattackedIn Nikopol, there are significant ruins.

Protesters in Poland for four daysunlockedcheckpoint "Krakovec-Korchova".

🔹Russia, because of its great involvement in the war against Ukrainetook outFrom 25% to 40% of its tank strategic reserves from open-air storage.

🔹As a result of today's shelling of Donetsk regionperishedthree people.

Italian actress Ornella Muti visited Sochi. This may surprise only those who do not remember that she has been on a break for a long time.

On July 6, 2017, the Court of Appeal of Trieste sentenced Ornella Muti to 6 months in prison and a fine of €500 for fraud and forgery of documents. In 2010, she was supposed to play the lead role in the play "The Jews" at the Verdi Theater in Pordenone, directed by Gianni Clementi, for which she was offered a fee of €24,000. However, she claimed to be ill and presented a fake medical certificate stating that she had acute tracheitis with a fever and cough. The certificate stated that she would not be able to use her voice for five days. However, during this time, on 10.12.2010, she attended a charity evening in St. Petersburg at the invitation of Putin, received several months earlier. In the end, she was given a suspended sentence with compensation of €30,000 to the Friulian theater. The sentence was finally confirmed by the Court of Cassation on 13.06.2019.

I hope our MFA will react?



Politicians of Germanydid not achieveThe majority of the opposition in Germany are against the supply of Taurus missiles to Ukraine in exchange for British Storm Shadow missiles.

In the sky over Donbass, on March 8, during a combat mission, fighter pilot Major Andriy Tkachenko from Ivano-Frankivsk was killed.

In 2008, Andrii Tkachenko entered the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University. Graduated in 2012.

Glory to the Hero!

We must not forget anyone. No one and nothing. And not to forget the names of both heroes and traitors. And to pay everyone according to their merits. Eternal memory to the fallen Heroes! Eternal honor and respect to everyone who defended, defends, and will defend Ukraine!