Mar 30, 2024 - Day 766

One of the largest in the Kharkiv region

Russians destroyed the Zmiyivska TPP - Centrenergo

"All blocks destroyed, auxiliary equipment damaged. The degree of destruction varies from complete to significant. Currently, debris is being dismantled at the enterprise, with no access to most of the equipment." - told in Centerenergo

Russiaattacksdrones from the south, Odessa under threat, air defense system working - the main

"It depends on Ukraine"

I don't know when, but Russia can attack NATO - Kuleba

Russia may attack NATO if it thinks the Alliance will not provide an adequate response. This opinion expressed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba in an interview with The Times of India during his visit to India.

Air Forcesdeclaredthreat of drones - main

The Russian Federation carried out one of the largest attacks on Ukraine's energy system, Congress should provide assistance - White House

"This night, Russia carried out one of the biggest air attacks on Ukraine's energy system since the beginning of the war, depriving many people across the country of heat, water, and electricity during still cold early spring days." — said Adrienne Watson, spokeswoman for U.S. National Security Council.

"Destructive impact of ruthless shelling"Uměrov and Austindiscussedsituation on the front, strikes on energy and needs of the Armed Forces

The Prime Minister of Romania hopes that as few drones as possible will fall in his country.

Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Ciolacu hopes that the incident with the drone wreckage falling on the territory of his country was the last such case. His hopesexpressedon Friday, March 29, reported the Romanian publication Digi 24.

"I'm looking forward to it"

The USA wants to find out the details of the Israeli plan for advancing on Rafah.

American and Israeli military discussed only general ideas on how to limit harm to the civilian population during the planned IDF operation in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza Strip, and the American side would like have a more detailed idea of Israel's plan.

If the front is stable, Ukrainewill be ableGet ready for your new counteroffensive this year - Zelensky

"If you do not take steps to prepare for a new counteroffensive, Russia will do so. This is what we have learned in this war: if you do not do something, Russia will do it," Zelensky summed up his vision of the war.

Turning off the heating will help balance the energy system - Shmyhal

Turning off heating at the end of the season will allow Ukraine to better balance the energy system against massed Russian attacks on energy. About this told at a government meeting on Friday, March 29, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmyhal.

Serbia's reaction to Kosovo's entry into the Council of Europe will be decisively — Vucic



On the night of March 30, RussiansattackedThey covered Donetsk with four guided missiles S-300/S-400, as well as launched drones from Crimea.

Out of 12 drone strikes, 9 were successfully destroyed - mobile fire groups operated within the regions of Kherson, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, and Poltava oblasts. There is a hit on an infrastructural object in Poltava district.


730 eliminated occupiers, 29 tanks and 45 UAVs 💪



🇱🇹 Lithuania called the ambassador of Belarus after Lukashenko's statement about the Suwalki corridor.

He expressed unsubstantiated accusations of military threats from Lithuania towards Belarus and ordered the preparation of the Belarusian army for a possible confrontation with the Baltic countries and Poland.

Suwalki corridor - a section of the border between Lithuania and Poland 100 kilometers wide, which borders the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation to the west and Belarus to the east.


USAdonatedIsrael armed forces package worth billions of dollars: over a thousand bombs and F-35A fighters included.— writes WP with reference to sources.

This happened despite Washington's concern about the expected military offensive on the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

"We continue to support Israel's right to self-defense... Providing assistance under certain conditions is not our policy," a White House representative said.



During a massive missile strike on March 22, Russian troopscompletely destroyedZmiyivska thermal power plant in Kharkiv region. It was one of the largest TPPs in Kharkiv region. The stationplanrestore through the donor fund for energy support.


Night hunting for enemy Shaheds 👀



Recently, an opposition politician in Hungary has become popular, attracting tens of thousands of people to his rallies, and his interviews garner millions of views. He is a former ally of Orban.Peter Madyar .

Good news - unlike the current Hungarian Prime Minister, he does not oppose the EU and NATO, and does not have sympathy for Moscow and Putin. The downside - he probably mocked his ex-wife, former Minister of Justice Yudit Vargi (this is emphasized by the authorities and the press subordinate to her)."Babel" tellsAbout the "black swan" of Hungarian politics, the story around which is rapidly unfolding right now.


Russians spreads the photo of fake stamps allegedly from Ukrposhta from the burning Moscow shopping center Crocus City Hall with the caption Irreversible payment.

CPD emphasized that these stamps are fake and have no relation to Ukrposhta.

💡The dispatch center of "Ukrenergo" is forced to apply schedules of emergency outages during the evening peak in several regions.

The main reason is the lack of sufficient generating capacity due to shelling by the Russian Federation.



Governmentsupportedthe decision on marriage contract through video conferencing in the Diya application. This process will involve several verification stages.

Marrying the betrothed via video link will be done by a DRAZS employee, and the documents will be certified by "Dія.Підписом".


❗️Zelenskyreleasedhis longtime friend and business partner from Kvartal 95, Serhiy Shefir, from the position of the president's first assistant.



⚡️Volodymyr Zelenskydismissedhis first assistant Sergey Shefir.@babel



The website of the Office of the President also appeareddismissal instructions:external advisor to the presidentOleg Ustenko ;

workerSergiy Trofimov ;

external advisor to the presidentMykhailo Radutsky ;

authorized representative of the President of Ukraine on volunteer activitiesNatalia Pushkarova ;

authorized representative of the President of Ukraine on ensuring the rights of defenders of UkraineAliona Verbiccoya .


❗️Zelenskydismissedauthorized for volunteer activity Natalia Pushkar and authorized for defenders Alona Verbitska

According to NV sources in the President's Office, Zelensky will dismiss one more top manager of the OP.

Most likely, "the third wheel" will be Andrii Sybyha.

Currently he is responsible for the diplomatic direction of the work of the presidential Office. After being fired, he will also be involved in diplomatic work.

Marriage by video link in the Diya - the government supported the resolution,– Fedorov.

Ukrainians will be able to get married right in the app. This is especially relevant for the military and couples who are separated by war.

Marrying the engaged couple via video call will be an employee of the Registry Office, and the documents will be certified by the Action.Signature.

This will be a breakthrough in the field of public services, there is nothing like this anywhere in the world.



In six regions of Ukrainecancelledgraphs of emergency power outages caused by mass attacks on energy generation facilities. We are talking about Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kirovohrad, Poltava, and Sumy regions.


On March 28, on the second anniversary of the liberation of Kyiv region from Russian invaders, in the city of Buchatook placeclosed showing of the new Ukrainian film "Bucha." It was watched by residents of Bucha who experienced the occupation.

Ukrainians will have a chance to see the film when the official premiere is announced.



March brought many unexpected musical releases. The legendary 75-year-old Ozzy Osbourne released a new single, while "Boombox" and "Okean Elzy" showed themselves in an atypical (but interesting) musical role. There was room for lyrics about the steppes of Kherson region and, of course, for heavy rock and roll. That's whatthe "Babel" editorial office listened in March .


Russians are activelystormingin the direction of the Time Swamp.

And there is a logical explanation for this, says the Commander of the battalion of strike drones Achilles 92nd Separate Assault Brigade named after Kosho Otaman Ivan Sirko Yuriy Fedorenko.

Chasy Yar is a dominant height. In case of mastering it and occupying, the enemy will be able to take under fire control the cities of Kostiantynivka, Druzhkivka, Kramatorsk, and form a powerful bridgehead for further assault operations and occupation of Kostiantynivka, as well as additionally towards Sloviansk.

He added that Chasiv Yar had become a new goal for the Russians and the capture of the city would be a success for them at a strategic level.

💡 In Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions canceled power outages

Electricity has been restored to all users in the Odessa region after the night shelling, - DTEK.

Humenyuk informed, that during a night attack the occupiers tried to expose and bypass Ukrainian air defense systems. This may indicate that the occupiers are preparing for new massive shelling.

Attack can be a precursor to subsequent attacks when the enemy gathers certain information, - she said on the air of the telethon.

The TV presenter and plus-size model Victoria Shchelko, who left the country due to the war, had her child taken away by social services in Britain.

Half a year has passed since the child was taken from Shchelka, and during this time she saw Zlata only once live. Now the girl from Kiev is waiting for the next court hearing.

NV asked Ukrainian, how did it happen, and also talked with ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets about why such stories have increased lately.

Video: victoriamodelxl/Instagram

Putin was forced to listen to the Ukrainian Anthem while in 2019 Ukrainian boxer Oleksandr Hiznyakconqueredgold medal at the European Games in Minsk

"This is not even a human being to me... I wish he simply didn't exist. At the European Games, we made him stand up when we won in the final, and stand under the Ukrainian anthem when Hizhnyak became the champion of the European Games. What would I do with him now? I would make him sing the Ukrainian anthem," said Hizhnyak's coach Loivsky.



Despite sanctions, RussiadoubledImport of nitrocellulose - an explosive substance necessary for the production of artillery ammunition. Among the suppliers are companies from the USA, Germany, and Taiwan.


There were drones, and now it's scrap metal.

During the previous mass rocket-drone attack, servicemen of the 121st Separate Territorial Defense Brigade destroyed 6 terrorists.

Photo: Forces of the South Defense

Russian military for the first time used in Ukraine a powerful bomb ODAB-1500.

With such a warhead, the enemy struck in the village of Velyka Pysarivka in Sumy region. After the strike ODAV-1500, a cloud of smoke rose up to a height of 1 km in the sky.

European officialsaccuseoligarch Viktor Medvedchuk, close to Putin, in bribing politicians before the general European elections, - reports FT.

The European Parliament demands an investigation.



At night, the flock of sheep illegallycrossedUkrainian border in the area of the checkpoint "Korchova - Krakovets". Animals raised the alarm of the border guards of the Beshchad border detachment of the Border Guard Service of Poland. Radars notified about the approaching figures to the border line, and then the animals crossed the border and started grazing.

Border guards say it's a herd of "repeat offenders" because they resorted to a similar step two weeks ago as well.


🏃‍♀️ - Running womanUkrainian athlete Yaroslava Mahuchikhspenttraining by the ocean shore.

"The ocean always inspires," Yaroslava wrote.



❗️From the morning, air alarms were announced several times in the southern regions due to the threat of ballistic shelling from Crimea. Now the Defense Forces of the southwarnabout the activity of the enemy tactical aviation in the southeast.


In the Air Force told, that Ukraine can resist new Russian munitions UMPB D-30 by destroying the bomb carrier - either the aircraft or the launching installation.

According to the speaker, after the destruction of several planes, the enemy is afraid to fly closer to the front line, but the threat remains.



⏰ In Ukraine, from Saturday night, March 30th, to Sunday, March 31st, push watches on summer time —One hour forward. This will happen on the third night of March 31, so the next Sunday will be an hour shorter.

For the first time, clocks began to be adjusted during World War I to save electricity by maximizing the use of daylight. Modern energy has evolved to the point where energy-saving light bulbs help save more than switching clocks. And recent studies show that changing the time disrupts sleep, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. However, nearly 60 countries still adjust their clocks twice a year, most of them in Europe. It was planned that the countries of the European Union would adjust the time for the last time in 2021, but this reform has been postponed for now.


In the ruins of an ancient Macedonian city.Archaeologistsfoundhead of the statue of Apollo .

This part of the statue dates back to the II or the beginning of the III century of our era.



In the Dutch city of Ede, an unknown person captured four hostages at the local establishment Cafe Petticoat. The policeevacuatedpeople from 150 houses near the cafespentOperation was successful - hostages were rescued and attacker was detained.


⚡️ City Mayor of Bila Tserkva of Kyiv region Hennadiy Dikiydeclared, who decided to mobilize into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Border guards of the "Steel Border" raised blue and yellow flag over the settlements of Shabelne, Pishchane, and Dehtyarne.

Video: State Border Guard Service

😅 Putin la-la-la-la-la-la. This song is not just a hit anymore. It's a classic.

10 years ago, Kharkiv ultras came up with the famous song about the Russian dictator.

Now the whole world knows who Putin is.



Head of the Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy Danilo Hetmantsevdemandsput to a vote by the Councilbill on liquidationCommissions for regulation of gambling and lotteries. According to him, CRAL.did not executenone of the eight tasks set before the body.


IsraeloffersEnter international troops into Gaza Sector.

Israeli officials believe that multinational forces will help establish an alternative to Hamas rule in Gaza.



In Bila Tserkva near Kyiv, there was an explosion in an apartment that destroyed the reinforced concrete floor from the 2nd to the 5th floor. This happened at 14:56. Rescuers found one dead woman on the second floor and saved a child on the fourth floor. The fire was successfully contained.

Photo: State Emergency Service


Russia every monthmobilizesabout 30 thousand new servicemen for the war against Ukraine, – British intelligence.

This allows the Russian Federation to suffer heavy losses and continue attacks aimed at exhausting the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In addition, it maintains a significant numerical advantage in the war due to ammunition and equipment.

In Khmelnytsky region, womenattackedEmployees of the TCK, according to the press service of the Khmelnytskyi Regional TCK and SP. Women damaged the company car.



OpenAIpresentedThe tool Voice Engine, which can emotionally and realistically voice texts with the voice of any person based on a 15-second sample of speech.

The tool has been in development for about two years, but it is not yet publicly available because it could potentially be used to create deepfakes.


Russian military started using ground robotic platforms with automatic grenade launcher AGS-17 on the front. Ukrainian defenders managed todestroysome of them are on the Avdiivka direction.

In Bila Tserkva, it happenedexplosionin one of the apartments of a residential high-rise.

A person died, his body was extricated from under the debris. Three other people, including a child born in 2016, were saved, the child is currently hospitalized.



Today the forces of the Air Command "South".destroyedguided aviation missile X-59, reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle Supercam, and strike UAV "Lancet".


Prime Minister of Denis Shmyhal in 2023received974845 hryvnias of income, while his wife Katerina Shmyhal - 7841994 hryvnias.

This is stated in the electronic declaration of the Prime Minister for 2023. All Shmyhal's income is a salary.

Petition calling to redirect funds allocated for telethons "Ukrainian News" and FREEDOM to finance the Armed Forces of Ukrainecollected25 thousand votes needed, it must be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers.

In the government of Ukraine, personnel changes are possible, but Volodymyr Zelensky's team has not yet decided what they will entail - is about in the material "Ukrainian Truth"



Donald Judd Minimalist Artist FoundationfiledSummons against Kim Kardashian.

The American star made a video tour of her office and showed a desk that she called a replica of Jada. Instead, the Jada Foundation called it a "cheap fake" and stated violations of copyright and trademark rights, unfair competition, false advertising, and support for counterfeits. The Jada Foundation offered to replace the counterfeit tables and chairs with originals at a discount if Kardashian simplifies and edits the video.


In Poland, a flock of sheep crossed the border from Ukraine in the village of Korchova. About thisreportsRMF24

The press secretary of the border department Pyotr Zakelyarzh said that this is not the first border expedition of this team.

The number of casualties as a result of the explosion in Bila Tserkvagrownto two - on the third floor of the building, fragments of the body were found. Work at the scene of the explosion continues.



Hacker group UA25attackedMore than 100 Russian websites. In particular, they penetrated servers of critically important infrastructure and obtained dozens of terabytes of classified information. This hacker attack caused damage of more than $12 billion rubles.


Russia started a newattackShahedami from the south, later in Kyiv and three regions, declared an alert due to the threat of ballistics.

Mayor of Kharkov Igor Terekhov reported that a flight over the residential area of ​​Shevchenko district of the city.



Sergiy Shefircommented"Babel" announced his resignation from the position of first assistant to the president.

"Regardless of everything you hear and read, I am on the president's team. No options. In addition to being the president, he is my friend, and this is much more important than the position," Shefir said.@babel

In the Poltava and Sumy regions againappliedemergency power outages due to Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy grid.

Also, DTEK reported that power outages are forced to return to stabilization in the Donetsk region. Also, the company stated that emergency power outages are introduced in the Dnipropetrovsk region due to the consequences of shelling. In addition, the head of the Kirovograd RSA, Andriy Raikovych, announced that schedules of emergency power outages are being introduced in the Kirovograd region.



Russians attacked Shevchenkivskyi district of Kharkiv. A guided projectile hit civilian infrastructure. As of now, there are no casualties.

The hacking group UA25 gained access to more than a hundred Russian websites in a few minutes.informedat StratCom of the Armed Forces.

It was noted that hackers managed to penetrate the servers of critically important infrastructure and obtain tens of terabytes of confidential information.

Soldiers, separated from their families, find themselves in stressful situations, and clicking on the automatic weapons in their phones is the most available temptation.

Military Pavlo Petrychenko, initiator of restrictions on access to online casinos for Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters, told to NV about why defenders need protection from gambling.

According to Petrichenko, he encountered cases when soldiers spent all their money on games and took out microloans, leading themselves and their families into a debt pit. The author of the petition added that fighters may even pawn drones and thermal imagers to get money, causing harm not only to themselves but also to their comrades.

In 2023, the National Police of UkraineregisteredMore than 291,000 cases of domestic violence, which is 20% more than in 2022.

The number of registered criminal offenses has increased by 80% (from 1498 to 2701), also 36% more administrative offenses have been detected, announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Russian army started to strike the territory of Ukraine more frequently use ballistic missiles, it is more difficult to shoot them down, said Air Force spokesman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ilya Yevlash in a telethon on Saturday, March 30th.

If the war goes on long enough, Odessa will fall too - Musk

If the war in Ukraine lasts long enough, Russia will seize territories up to the Dnieper River, as well as Odesa. Such a forecastmadeAmerican businessman Elon Musk on social network X.

Russian and Belarusian athletes will not be happy at the Olympics in Paris - the mayor of the city

"I want to say to Russian and Belarusian athletes that they are not welcome in Paris. And to all Ukrainians - that we support them very actively and strongly," - said Ann Hidalgo.

France will supply Ukraine “hundreds” of armored vehicles, a new batch of missiles and remote-controlled ammunition - Defense Minister

France will provide Ukraine with "hundreds" of old, but "still functional" armored vehicles and Astеr missiles as part of a new military aid package. Some of the details of this package were revealed by the country's Minister of Defense, Sébastien Lecornu reports The World.