Mar 17, 2024 - Day 753

753 days of active phase of the 10-year war. We always have a choice of what and how to do. Make a choice and remember the consequences. Everyone here?



🔥The General Staff has published updated data on the losses of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.



❗️ Ukrainian military repelled 11 enemy attacks on the Avdiivka direction and continue to hold positions in Kherson region, - General Staff summary.

Throughout the day, the Air Force of the Defense Forces struck 4 enemy concentration areas with weapons, weapons, and military equipment.

The missile troops units have struck a blow at the enemy's command post, 2 concentration areas of personnel, and 1 enemy air defense system.



🕯In the morning at 9:00, we observe a minute of silence in honor of those who died in Russia's brutal war against Ukraine.

Our media are quite strange, even those who think they write serious and important things. Today in The Sunday Times came out.great textabout how the Minister of Defense of Great Britain Grant Shapps and Head of Sir Anthony Radakin arrived in Kyiv. Perhaps the only thing that the media saw from this longread is the information that Shapps refused to go to Odesa after His Majesty's intelligence warned that the plans of the minister's movement had become known to the Russians. But the media "just didn't see" (damn, we are talking not about searching for information, but about at least reading what others wrote!) in the text proposed by the Brits the plan of action on the front this year. A plan that does not exclude a retreat from the occupied positions.

When Shapps and Radakin arrived to meet Zelenskyy at Mariinsky Palace, the most important item on the agenda was discussion of how Ukraine sees the overall strategy for the coming year. It was here, as one of Ukraine's most reliable allies, that Britain decided to advise Zelenskyy to accept some proposals that were unpleasant for him.

Taking into account the advance in the middle of the country, there are concerns that he will again try to attack in the north and east, where Russia has the advantage. But instead of attacking, Britain advises to hold the line on the northern and eastern fronts and, if necessary, retreat to more favorable territory where defensive lines can hold the Russians. This will allow the Ukrainians to concentrate their efforts on the Black Sea and Crimea, where in the last six months Ukrainian forces, with the help of Western long-range missiles, have dealt significant blows to the Russians.

When they left an hour and 20 minutes later, their mood was elevated. Zelensky, according to one official, was in a good mood. What's more important, he seemed attentive to their proposals.

Even information about the possible threat to the life of the media minister could not be given correctly. They were limited to the fact that he canceled his visit to Odessa due to information leakage. But everything was described more interestingly.

Ignoring all attempts to conceal the second part of our journey, Russians found out about our plans. At the moment, after what happened during Zelensky's visit and the Prime Minister of Greece, this is a big risk and we cannot continue the visit.

We begin a long journey back to Great Britain, through Poland, at 6 in the morning the next day. Shapps is disappointed. "Putin showed himself to be reckless, ruthless, and careless," he later said. "He was dangerously close to actually killing two western leaders and it doesn't matter if it was intentional or accidental. What the hell is he doing, and why has the West allowed him to behave like this?"

I have only one possible explanation why this report - The Sunday Times was the only media we were quoted so briefly. We didn't read it. Because you need a subscription to The Times. Otherwise, you can only read the lead news and headlines. I have no other explanation. Because if they read it, they definitely would not have missed the moment where British journalists demonstrate understanding by leaving at home not only gadgets and laptops for security and espionage prevention, but even a toothbrush with batteries.



On the night of March 17, Ukrainian air defense forces shot down 14 out of 16 Shahed drones launched by Russia.

Russia must be destroyed. Russia delenda est.

With this phrase, the President of Latvia, Edgar Rinkevics, ended his post in support of Ukraine and Europe.

The phrase refers to the sloganCarthage must be destroyedCarthage must be destroyed, as the Roman senator Cato the Elder concluded all his speeches in the Senate. And this, by the way, had little result in the end.

If this slogan becomes a common goal, it will become a reality.



😈By the way, the Russians were able to cope with the fire at the refinery in the Samara region just today.



🔥Limited military operation in Bilgorod region continues.

Another collection. But this is more than a collection.

Yesterday Iposted a messageabout the abbot of the Vasily Gasinets church in Chernivtsi, who already has a debt of 900 thousand UAH due to... buying drones for the front. The person lives by helping the front and even takes out loans to buy drones for our soldiers. Yes, he is a person. Not a servant of the people. Many of you have suggested raising funds for him. I contacted Father Vasyl. He is grateful to everyone who is willing to help and has created a bank account. The goal is the same 900,000 hryvnias. Let's help him. And he will continue to help our soldiers!

Thus, if you have the opportunity and desire, then join the collection. It's a good thing! In the first comments card and bank.

🔗Link to the bank

💳Bank card number

5375 4112 1631 0099



🤝 President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel announced that Prague has collected all the necessary amount to purchase 800 thousand shells for Ukraine outside the European Union.

We summarize#тижденьвцифрах



❗️ Russian liberation forces, together with volunteers from Ichkeria, entered the settlement of Gorky in the territory of Russia.Siberian battalion



At the age of 73, Ukrainian politician Hennadiy Moskal died



⚡️March 17, 2024. South direction.

So - every night...

Thank you to the defenders of the sky for successful combat work!

🇺🇦Together to victory!


🇺🇦Commander of the Air Force Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk

A little about the Israeli army and mobilization. In the photo Noa Kochba, Miss Israel 2021, who has already served and is now serving in the miluim. What is miluim?

In the Israeli army, in addition to conscripts, there are contract soldiers (anashim keva) and reservists - miluimnikim. Miluimnikim are demobilized conscripts who enter the reserves and are later called up for military exercises as needed - usually every year. It is the miluimnikim who are mobilized first.

Note that no one says that her mother raised her for this, and to send the beauty queen to serve is to throw a dolphin on the sand. Moreover, she is a celebrity, but her service is perceived as a matter of course. Famous footballers and actors, showmen and politicians serve in the same way. And this is the standard for society. And also - this is one of the reasons why the border in Israel is not closed and there is a line in the IDF to mobilize.

PS Look at her boots. They say that she serves in the Caracal battalion, which is a combat unit.



The Russians shelled the community of Vovchansk in Kharkiv region, - MIA.

The 36-year-old paramedic and the 56-year-old ambulance driver were injured, they were hospitalized.

Best! In everything! Glory to the Ukrainian military!



According to preliminary data from the National Bank, $11.6 billion was transferred to Ukraine from around the world in 2023, including transfers through official and unofficial channels.




🇺🇦Over the occupied Makeyevka, the Ukrainian flag is flying again!

The previously installed flag, occupiers replaced with a tricolor, but activistsYellow ribbonSent the firewood to the fire, returning the yellow-blue flag to its place.

Now every occupant passing by will see - Makiivka was, is, and will be Ukraine!

Just learned that Gennadiy Moskal died at the age of 73. He was an extraordinary and interesting person who knew a lot. He could tell stories in such a way that people listened and couldn't tear themselves away. We had different positions on many issues, but when it came to patriotism, he was a 100% patriot of Ukraine and proved it more than once. He had been ill for a long time and it was difficult for him. And this video was recorded with him right after the New Year in 2022, before the full-scale invasion, on one of the broadcasts. We were discussing with him then that funding for the army needed to be increased. Multiple times. But the authorities have a different opinion.

This was the only Moskal I remember with a kind word. Goodbye, GenGen. RIP.



❗️N.p. Gorky of Belgorod region under the control of Russian volunteers - Legion Freedom of Russia.

Bilgorod region. Smonyan, you, bitch, said that none of the rebels broke into the Russian Federation. Lied as always? You can not answer. And so everything is clear. Eat your beaver.



🔥In Moldova, a man threw a Molotov cocktail at the Russian embassy, where a polling station is located.

He has been arrested.



❗️Mayor of Mykolaiv Senkevich confirmed the explosion in the city.

Currently, an air alert is ongoing in the region!

Rusnya - they are marauders. These are synonymous. Not people, biosmells.

The problem of defensive fortifications in Ukraine. Who is involved in defense construction? Is the government involved in the scheme at the Ministry of Defense? Why is Ukraine not led by state officials, but by advisors to the Office of the President? Why was the construction equipment of the "Great construction" not used in the creation of defense structures? Ukrainian politician and statesman, former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko answered in a conversation with Boryslav Bereza.



🤝Self-propelled artillery units Caesar and ammunition will be included in the new package of assistance from Denmark.




Polish local government bodies prohibit farmers from blocking roads, according to Polish media

In particular, such cases have been recorded in the Lublin and Kuyavian-Pomeranian voivodeships of Poland and are explained by security considerations.

In turn, farmers turn to the courts to allow them to protest.

One candidate for president of the United States is very old and mentally unfit for the presidency. The second candidate is me, Joe Biden.

They are also having fun. Not a stadium, but fun. Now. Many of us started to miss only after voting. In general, it was fun then for most, and now almost everyone is sad.



In Mykolaiv, windows and roofs of many private houses are damaged as a result of the Russian attack, - Mayor Senkevych.

Currently, five wounded are already known.

Is remote voting possible in Ukraine during elections? What does the state need in order to implement electronic voting? Why can't such changes be introduced in Ukraine? Will Russia interfere in the elections in Ukraine? Why is the government delaying the possibility of voting remotely? Analyzed the situation in my own author's blog. Write your thoughts in the comments.



The operation to transport armored vehicles from Bulgaria started on January 29, and the first column of 30 wagons only departed on March 7.

Summing up#тижденьвцифрах



"It was difficult and definitely not embarrassing," Ignat summed up his work as the spokesman for the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Laptop, light and camera - these are the main tools that you constantly carry with you, literally fall asleep with them)). Over two years of war, the letters on the keyboard have almost worn off, the battery is weak, but what was written, edited and published from this laptop has forever entered world history. which is being written today with their own blood by Ukrainians," wrote Ignat.



In the unrecognized Transnistria, they reported a drone kamikaze strike on a military unit.

No casualties as a result of the strike.

The media reported that after a drone attack, the helicopter located at the airfield burned down.



Published the moment of a drone strike on a helicopter.

💭It is impossible to imagine that Ukraine and Russia will be able to agree on ending the war.declaredPresident of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel.

According to him, all of Russia's proposals have still been dictation, and the Kremlin has put forward a list of conditions that it, as an aggressor, has no right to set.

He noted that the war will end either in defeat for one of the sides or in exhaustion and the realization that no one will be able to fully achieve their goals.





🚧 Polish farmers will block the border with Germany.reportsDW. DW.

The Polish-German border crossing in Swiecko near Frankfurt-on-Oder will be blocked. The action will last four days.

All lanes of traffic will be blocked in both directions, preventing border crossing at this location.

The border crossing is located on the autobahn connecting Berlin and Warsaw, about 17,000 trucks travel between Germany and Poland every day.



🇺🇸The White House announced a new military aid package for Ukraine of $300 million this week - this happened for the first time this year.

Summing up#тижденьвцифрах

Portnikov, as always, brilliant!

Dad-Pole knew exactly what the Soviet Union and Russia were. For Karol Wojtyla, Moscow was the capital of a country that did not allow Poland to be a free state, and London was the capital of a country where the Polish government in exile worked and forces were formed to liberate the Motherland. For Jorge Bergoglio, London is the capital of a country that still refuses to give up the Argentine Malvinas Islands and calls them the Falklands, and Moscow is the center of a country of "great culture and humanity", the country of his favorite Dostoevsky. Yes, the Polish Pope cannot help but differ from the Argentine Pope. And although the Pope formally speaks on behalf of the entire Catholic world, John Paul II was the voice of the peoples of Europe oppressed by communism in the 20th century, and Francis is the voice of the "global South" in the 21st century.



🙅‍♂️ - Man gesturing NOUkraine does not intend to renew the contract for the transit of gas with Russian "Gazprom".

I can confirm that we do not plan to conclude any additional agreements or extend the term of this agreement, - said in the air of the telethon the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Halushchenko.

The raid of Russian volunteer formations on the territory of the Russian Federation. How can this end? Will this affect the elections in the Russian Federation? Statement of Stefanchuk on the possibility of buying off from mobilization. Can the government allow such social injustice? What do these statements mean? What can this lead to? Answered the questions by MP Volodymyr Aryev in a conversation with Boryslav Bereza



Ukrainians continue to be supported around the world

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If you look for any positive in the Russian elections, then it will be the last term of President Putin.

According to statistics, all Secretaries-General did not live more than +-76 years.

Putin - 72 years old. Ahead - 6 years of another presidential term. Even this time, Kremlin technologists found it very difficult to "sell" the "eternally young, eternally drunk". Six years later, can he be crowned. Well, or introduce a halo of saints:)

But that's where the positivity ends, actually. Because Putin will also want to stay in the people's memory this term. And his policy of his entourage will be formed solely to fulfill the main idea of the king - strengthening the Empire.

That's what we still need to plow and plow. (c) Viktor Shlynchak



❗️In Kyiv and a number of regions, an air alarm has been declared.

Fucking Russian!

The shelling of Grayvoron is now a common event for Rashka, between messages about turnout at the elections. And this is Putin's achievement. Want further shelling? They vote for botox. Morons for stable shelling and death of Russni.



First of all, we are grateful to our soldiers. It is time to highlight the combat units that have performed the best. Kupyansk direction - the 57th separate motorized infantry brigade named after the legendary ataman Kostya Gordienko. Liman direction - the 1st operational purpose brigade of the National Guard named after hetman Petro Doroshenko "Bureviy". Pokrovsky direction - the 55th separate artillery brigade "Zaporizhian Sich". Orihiv direction - the 118th separate mechanized brigade. And Prydniprovsky direction - the 35th separate brigade of marine infantry named after Rear Admiral Mykhailo Ostrohradsky and the 123rd separate territorial defense brigade. Thank you, warriors, for your strength and effective destruction of the occupier.

🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 - 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦



The latest attacks by Ukrainian drones have led to the shutdown of three oil refineries in Russia, which represents 12% of its oil processing capacity, according to Bloomberg.

Summing up#тижденьвцифрах

President Volodymyr Zelensky is confident that the leader of the occupying country, Vladimir Putin, whose mercenaries kill and maim Ukrainian soldiers every day, understands the need to end the war in the Donbas. The head of the Bankova said this in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine. 02/11/2020

Volodymyr Zelensky commented on the election of the President of Russia. Vladimir Putin is sick with power and will do everything to rule forever. - There is no evil that he wouldn't do to continue his personal power. There is no one in the world who would be insured from this," the President of Ukraine said. 17.03.24

Has Putin changed in 4 years? Has Zelensky changed? Or has Zelensky understood what we told him then after four years? I wonder if what we tell him today he will understand in 4 years or sooner?



There were no attacks on the military unit in the so-called Transnistria.reportedBureau of Reintegration Policy of Moldova.

After studying the videos published by the local media of Transnistria, the Moldovan authorities noted that this incident is an "attempt to provoke fear and panic in the region."

Also added that the military equipment supposedly destroyed as a result of a drone kamikaze attack has not been working for several years.

Chisinau authorities do not confirm any attacks on the Transnistrian region in contact with the Ukrainian side, - the statement says the Bureau.



We have gathered the most important things that you might have missed for March 17:

🔹Russian Armed ForcescontinueStorms are taking place in seven directions, fierce battles are continuing near Krasnogorivka, as reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

🔹After a severe illnessdiedformer head of the Zakarpattia Regional State Administration and Luhansk Regional State Administration Hennadiy Moskal.

🔹 AT THE HUR TEMPLErefuteddestruction of the Black Hawk helicopter.

🔹 Air Forces at nightdestroyed14 "shahids".

🔹Polish farmerswill blockborder with Germany.



Due to a lack of ammunition, Ukrainians are forced to retreat to the second and third defense lines in Donbass, - White House.

They are running out of ammunition in Donbas and they are now retreating to the second and third defense lines. The Russians continue to try to push in the western direction. They (Ukrainians) need support and they need it now, - said White House advisor on communication in national security issues Kirby.

Time matters - emphasized Kirby, commenting on the consideration of the bill to help Ukraine in the American Congress, reports "Voice of America".



Russian volunteer formation Siberian battaliondeclared, which together with the Russian Volunteer Corps raised flags in the village of Kozinka, Belgorod region of the Russian Federation.

Flags of the Siberian Battalion and "RDC" in the village of Kozinka, - reported by fighters of volunteer formations, and published a relevant photo.

Irish volunteer congratulated the Russian with St. Patrick's Day. I don't know if he raised a pint of Guinness today, but he sent a punch to the Russian! Thank you, buddy!

Peaceful night 🌙 to all good people!

And the Russian scum should die!